Vatican’s Ambassador to Germany Criticized for Anti-LGBTQ+ Homily; And More News

Archbishop Nikola Eterović

There always seems to be news from the German-speaking world about Catholic LGBTQ+ issues. While pro-equality faithful have made tremendous inroads,  controversies continue to arise. Today’s post highlights three news stories in recent months revealing that tension.

Catholic LGBTQ+ Group Condemns Apostolic Nuncio’s Homily

Markus Gutfleisch, a spokesperson for the Catholic LGBT+ Committee in Germany, criticized the country’s apostolic nuncio, or Vatican ambassador, for what the group claims are problematic comments.

The nuncio, Archbishop Nikola Eterović, preached to pilgrims in the city of Aachen in June. In his remarks, Eterović claimed “the attitude of one who claims to erase the difference between the sexes is not healthy,” a seeming reference to transgender-affirming people, and said the church “has withstood old and new attacks on the family,” emphasizing that only heterosexual marriage is permissible.

In response, Gutfleisch said, per Starconnect Media:

“The Catholic LGBT+ Committee is appalled that the Catholic Church is once again getting dangerously close to right-wing populist forces that construct gender diversity as an attack on the family instead of recognizing different ways of life and relationships.”

Asked later to comment on the nuncio’s preaching, Bishop Helmut Dieser of Aachen, who has previously supported same-gender relationships and transgender identities, sought dialogue. Dom Radio reported:

“‘It was to be expected. The nuncio represents – and must represent – the official Roman line, but he did not do it aggressively.’ [Dieser] added that he could say yes to everything Eterovic said and added: ‘But we always say a few more sentences in some places. And that’s the point of contention. Can you do the previous without it to jeopardize or to question, also expand?’

“The Aachen bishop emphasized that this is exactly the struggle that the reform processes in Germany are about: ‘But we are not endangering what the nuncio said, quite the opposite.'”

Polish Embassy to Germany Objects to LGBTQ+ Education Material

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Germany said it was “appalled” by LGBTQ+ content in a new German government course to prevent sexual abuse. The Polish embassy promised to seek the removal of the content, described as “dangerous,” for being anti-Polish and anti-Catholic. Notes from Poland reported:

“The material, which is advertised on the website of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, is designed to help education professionals protect children from sexual abuse. One section relates to a child afraid of coming out as gay to his parents.

“‘The mother doesn’t suspect and the young man hasn’t made any attempts to confide in her,’ it says. ‘His father has made it clear that his mother, who comes from Poland and is a faithful Catholic, hates gays and would reject him as a son. Also, other members of the family will share her attitude.’

“[Poland’s ambassador, Dariusz Pawłoś] added that the material is ‘dangerous for at least two reasons’. First, it perpetuates ‘anti-Polish stereotypes’ that Poles are homophobic. ‘The second even more dangerous issue is introducing into the minds of German youth the belief that the Catholic faith is based on hatred.'”

Swiss Prosecutor Charges Editor of Theology Journal with Inciting Hate

The public prosecutor for Switzerland’s Ticino region has filed incitement charges against Fr. Manfred Hauke, a theologian at the University of Lugano who is the editor of the German journal “Theologisches,” reported In 2021, the journal published an article by Polish theologian Fr. Dariusz Oko, who, among several homophobic remarks, referred to gay priests as a “cancerous growth” and “colony of parasites” in the church.

Pink Cross, a Swiss LGBTQ+ group, has sought charges against Hauke similar to those brought by German prosecutors against Oko and the journal’s editor-in-chief, Fr. Johannes Stöhr, which led to both men being fined several thousand euro for hate speech. The Ticino public prosecutor’s case will now examine whether Hauke is similarly liable. Roman Heggli, managing director of Pink Cross, commented on the indictment:

“‘It’s a first success. Hauke ​​is the publisher of this magazine and accordingly I assume that he shares the content. For me it is incomprehensible that someone who cultivates such ideas is still allowed to teach at a public university. I expect that on the one hand he will be convicted – that the court will see this as an incitement to hatred and discrimination against homosexuals – and on the other hand that the university will react and take the consequences.'”

Hauke has stated he has no comment, while the University of Lugano reaffirmed it does not tolerate discrimination, but reserved comment on the criminal trial. Hauke, once a member of the pope’s commission on women deacons, had previously defended Oko and Stöhr. Hauke said Oko used “strong expressions” that “taken out of context, could possibly be understood as denigrating” gay people, while attacking Fr. Wolfgang Rothe, who first filed a complaint in German courts about the article.

Robert Shine (he/him), New Ways Ministry, August 14, 2023

1 reply
  1. Stephen Golden
    Stephen Golden says:

    In the main, I was very unsettled by this article. But better that than ignorance regarding the truth of our situation in the world.

    What I find intolerable in the first instance is the bishop of Aachen’s defense of the Papal Nuncio. In my opinion, the bishop severely undercut the good he has done previously, and he undermines his future credibility.

    In the second instance, it is disturbing to witness how blindly the Polish embassy adopts a public relations posture that portrays themselves as the victimized, when the opposite is so clearly, transparently apparent.

    Finally, in the third instance, I was astonished by the unexpected prosecutorial effort out of Lugano. It is a different kind of unsettled, albeit one that is desired. I expect to find no enlightenment whatsoever among government authorities anywhere.


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