
Bishop Says 700+ People in Diocese Left the Church After Vatican Blessings Ban

A bishop has reported that more than 700 people left his diocese in the wake of the Vatican ban on blessing same-gender couples. Read More

Catholic Universities Pressed to Resist Vatican Ban on Blessing Same-Gender Couples

The Vatican’s March 15th statement banning blessings of same-gender unions has generated a variety of responses across Catholic college and university campuses, including op-eds from campus newspapers and statements from administrators. Today’s post features four campus reactions. Read More

Bishop Pledges Not to Sanction Priests Who Bless Same-Gender Couples in May Event

A German bishop has pledged not to sanction any priest who blesses a same-gender couple in May as part of a church reform event being organized, while another bishop in that country reiterated his support for new ways of thinking about sexuality. Read More

Gay Pastors in Netherlands Vow to Ignore Vatican Ban on Same-Gender Blessings

A collective of gay pastoral workers in the Netherlands has vowed to ignore the Vatican's ban on blessing same-gender couples, encouraging other church workers to do likewise. Read More

100+ Theologians Support New Ways Ministry’s Pledge to Bless Same-Gender Couples

Catholic theologians are speaking out about why they support New Ways Ministry's pledge to bless same-gender couples, signed by more than 3,000 Catholics since it was launched in response to the Vatican's ban on such blessings. Read More

Irish Bishop Calls Vatican’s Ban on Blessings “Cold and Distant…Hurtful and Offensive”

A bishop in Ireland has become the latest church leader to voice opposition to the Vatican's ban on blessing same-gender couples.  Read More

3,000+ Catholics Sign New Ways Ministry’s Pledge to Bless Same-Gender Couples

The largest single protest by Catholics against the Vatican's ban on blessing same-gender unions has been published online with over 3,000 people participating, including over 100 theologians. Read More

In Wake of Vatican Ban, Reckoning with the Two Faces of Pope Francis on LGBTQ Issues

At the center of the dispute over the Vatican's recent ban on blessing same-gender couples has been Pope Francis' role. Bondings 2.0 published earlier this week on reports that the pope tried to distance himself from the ban in his Sunday Angelus address, but many people still continue to criticize the pope. When it comes to Francis, it seems there is no resolution yet on what some observers consider his two faces on LGBTQ issues. Read More

Fr. James Alison Writes Vatican Threw “Tantrum” with Blessings Ban

Fr. James Alison, a gay priest and theologian, has written that the Vatican's responsum that banned blessings for same-gender couples was a "tantrum." Elsewhere, Fr. Frank Brennan writes that, ultimately, it is God, not the church, who decides about blessing love. Read More

Sign the Statement to Protest Vatican’s Decision Against Blessing Same-Gender Couples

Join the global protest and resistance against the Vatican's ban on blessing same-gender couples! Read More