North African Bishops Break from Peers, Affirm LGBTQ+ Blessings; And More News

Bishops in North Africa have endorsed "Fiducia Supplicans," the Vatican declaration on blessings, breaking from a African bishops' wider statement rejecting the declaration in harsh terms. Today's post features this story and other development in the debate over blessings same-gender couples and others in "irregular" situations. Read More

“Get Someone Else to Do It. Not Me.”

But over the course of my years of ministry, I began to express another truth that I came to learn: the simple presence of LGBTQ+ people can present a threatening challenge to some people. Read More

Bishop Stowe: Legislators’ Priorities Must Include Care for LGBTQ+ People

As state legislatures in the U.S. begin new sessions, one Catholic bishop's exhortation from last fall to focus more on helping people's material conditions and less on fighting LGBTQ+ equality seem prescient. Read More

Newest LGBTQ-Friendly Catholic Parish Has a Vatican City Postal Code

It's easy to guess the church's name, but it may be hard to believe! Read More

Africa’s Prelates Refuse to Bless LGBTQ+ Couples; One Archbishop Breaks Ranks

The debate over Fiducia Supplicans, the Vatican’s declaration allowing blessings for couples in “irregular” situations, continues unabated. In posts yesterday and today, Bondings 2.0 is reporting on the latest developments. Today’s post focuses on global bishops' responses, particularly in Africa. Read More

Pope Francis Defends Blessing LGBTQ+ Couples—and Everyone; And More News

The debate over Fiducia Supplicans, the Vatican's declaration allowing blessings for couples in "irregular" situations, continues unabated. In posts today and tomorrow, Bondings 2.0 reports on the latest developments. Read More

Synod Offers “Fresh Hope” for LGBTQ+ Welcome in Church, Writes Theologian

“There is…fresh hope for the church to develop a truly 'catholic' (inclusive) stance toward its LGBTQ+ members,” one theologian opined in evaluating the Synod on Synodality's first General Assembly that concluded last fall. Read More

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Nonviolent Lessons for the Synod

LGBTQ+ Catholics can learn a lot from Dr. King. And as I read his words, I couldn’t help but hear the echoes of what Pope Francis has been teaching the church about synodality. Read More

“Living This Diversity Should Make Us Rejoice!”

In Fiducia Supplicans—and even more so in the pro-LGBTQ+ movements in Germany, Flanders, and elsewhere that brought it about—I see the lived diversity that Pope Francis says “should make us rejoice!” Read More

Queer Theology Offers the Church LGBTQ+ Affirmation—And So Much More

"U.S. Catholic" asked readers late last year to complete a survey answering the question, “Is queer theology compatible with Catholicism?” Now the results have been released. Read More