
The Samaritan Woman, LGBTQ+ People, and the Synod

Was Radcliffe using coded language to describe LGBTQ+ experience? I don’t think so. I think that if he wanted to make a point about LGBTQ+ people, he would have done so much more plainly. Read More

“Are Not Your Ways Unfair?”

Though not phrased in these words, the question in Ezekiel has been an undercurrent in the sharings from people ostracized by the institutional church: "Are not your ways unfair?" Read More

“You Have Made Them Equal to Us”

God’s ways, however, are different from our human ways. Much to our shock and horror, God insists on everyone being treated truly as equals. Read More

The Benefit of the Doubt

Today’s post is from guest contributor Sr. Donna McGartland. Donna is one of the authors... Read More

The Vastness of God’s Love is Deliciously Refreshing

I’ve heard homilies on today’s gospel reading that reduce Jesus’ words about forgiveness to a sort of action plan to correct wayward sinners–to bring them back to the fold. As a queer Catholic, I have had countless people attempt to “correct” me. Read More

Suffering for the Truth, Flourishing in the Truth

These acts of being LGBTQ+ and ally “minor prophets” have begun to create the kind of world many of us hope for, and that I believe God is hoping for. Read More

A “Key to the Kingdom” for Queer Liberation

Too many LGBTQ individuals have felt so bound by the judgements of the Church that they do not dare approach God. Read More

A House of Prayer for ALL Peoples

It is not hard to make the leap from the Canaanite Foreigner to those of us who identify as LGBTQIA+. Read More

Sweat the Small Stuff

These small steps are easy to sneer at as performative or vacuous, and they can be without ongoing learning and change. But more so they are little hints of divine queer futurity, signs of another possible world. Read More

A Queer Lens on the Bible Can Build Empathy and Understanding

Julia Erdlen, a queer campus minister and hospital chaplain, had trouble finding her queer identity in scripture. Her search to do so has led her to some interesting texts. Read More