New Ways Ministry: Vatican’s Transgender Guidance Reflects Pope’s Pastoral Approach

The Vatican’s affirmation that transgender people should be welcomed in the church’s sacramental life signals Pope Francis’ desire for a pastorally-focused approach to LGBTQ+ issues is taking hold. Read More

Sacred Heart U. Celebrates Coming Out Day; More Campus News

Today’s post features several Catholic colleges that are seeking to provide greater support to students in the LGBTQ+ community. Read More

U.S. Bishops’ New Mental Health Campaign Rings Hollow for LGBTQ+ People

This message of accompaniment and welcome rings hollow for members of the LGBTQ+ community whose mental health has been impacted by homophobic and transphobic church teaching and policies. Read More

LGBTQ+ Advocates Celebrate New Pastoral Accompaniment Guidelines 

LGBTQ+ Catholics and supporters are celebrating a new set of guidelines that aims to treat LGBTQ+ individuals with “welcome, love, and respect.”  Read More

Diocese of Davenport’s New LGBTQ+ Guidelines Model Synodality in Action

The Diocese of Davenport's new guidelines on LGBTQ+ pastoral care are "strikingly positive," and could possibly "shift the trend of transgender-negative diocesan policies in the U.S.," contends Robert Shine, associate director of New Ways Ministry. Read More

Trans Inclusion Is Not Enough for True Synodality

Against this idea, some Catholics claim that those of us who are trans should find our identity in Christ over and against our other identities. Under this view, we should participate in synodality not on the basis of diversity as ‘trans people,’ but simply as ‘Catholics’. However, neither of these approaches properly contextualise transness. Read More

Gender and Sexuality Affect Every Person. The Synod Must Address This Reality.

Gender and sexuality must be taken up by the church universal in a more enlightened, substantive, dialogical way. The Synod assembly risks failure if it avoids full examinations of such core questions. Read More

Cleveland Catholic Schools Resist Transgender-Negative Diocesan Policy

Multiple Cleveland-area Catholic schools have issued statements reflecting a pro-LGBTQ+ stance in response to the Diocese of Cleveland’s restrictive gender policy released in September. Read More

Davenport Diocese Releases Positive Framework for LGBTQ+ Pastoral Care

The Diocese of Davenport has released a new framework on LGBTQ+ pastoral care, specifically about gender identity issues, that charts a new direction for such policies in the U.S. Read More

Can Church Teaching Change? LGBTQ+ Advocates Say Yes

“Can the church change?” That question is the headline of a new article in U.S. Catholic. Author Don Clemmer attempts to answer this question, which is often asked by many LGBTQ+ Catholics longing to see the church embrace more inclusive teachings. Read More