How Important Is It to Know If an Archbishop Is Gay?

It always makes me uncomfortable when I read a news story which alleges or reveals... Read More

Minneapolis Archbishop Nienstedt: "I'm not gay…I'm not anti-gay."

Archbishop John Nienstedt of Minneapolis-St. Paul denied suggestions that he was gay or could be considered... Read More

Two Archbishops' Gay-Related Stories Show How Our Church Needs to Grow

Two archbishops from the United States made headlines this week related to gay issues.  Each... Read More

Silencing Discussion Is Not the Archbishop's Only Error

The Progressive Catholic Voice has published a letter from Archbishop John Nienstedt which orders priests... Read More

‘This Is My Beloved’: A Deacon Preaches on the Meaning of Unconditional Love

"This is my beloved Son." My beloved. What a joy to hear those words! What child does not want to hear those words, need to know that they are loved? Read More

Pope Francis Closes World Meeting of Families While Being Attacked by Former Papal Nuncio

The World Meeting of Families 2018 concluded yesterday with a papal Mass in Dublin's Phoenix Park, and the atmosphere was decidedly somber and depressing.  The morning's rain showers didn't help, but the rain clouds were not the problem. The problem was the darker clouds of clergy and religious abuse of children which has covered Ireland for far too long now. And if Pope Francis' slow response to the abuse was not enough to keep people away, on the eve of the papal Mass news hit that the former papal nuncio to the United States was attacking the pontiff's record. Read More

NEWS NOTES: September 6, 2016

Here are some news items that you might find of interest: Vice President Joe Biden,... Read More

First Catholic LGBTQ Youth Summit Succeeds Despite Church Ouster

Despite being kicked off Catholic property at the last minute, the first LGBTQ+ Catholic Youth Summit successfully took place in Minnesota last Saturday. Read More

Fired Gay Music Director Fires Discrimination Complaints

Fired music director Colin Collette has filed federal and local discrimination complaints against the Chicago parish where he was employed for 17 years. These filings are the first step in a potential lawsuit, hinging on just what "ministerial exemption" means in employment law. Read More

In Minnesota and Montana Dismissals, Hypocrisy Abounds

The music director at St Victoria parish in Victoria, Minnesota, has resigned after marrying his husband last... Read More