
Are We Kindling a Fire or Burning a Bridge?

We need to share the flame with our neighbors, not to burn them but to kindle their own fire. Taper to taper, person to person Read More

Trans Catholic Reviews Queer Evangelical’s New Book on Being Out in the Church

A Catholic trans man’s book review of an Evangelical queer woman’s journey of acceptance is a reminder that “Being an open, visible part of the LGBTQ+ community in a Christian church is never an easy task,” especially when “that visibility to give voice to the dignity of LGBTQ+ people in the face of a Christian culture that would prefer to erase various identities." Read More

Celebrate Pride with a Queer Reading of Genesis’ Creation Stories

How are the creation stories in the Book of Genesis queer? To celebrate Pride Month, a theologian offers a biblical interpretation that challenges the dominant readings of God’s creation. Read More

New Article Profiles the Spiritual Joy and Innovation of Queer Latinx Catholics

Queer Latinx Catholics are finding new ways to cultivate spiritual joy by placing an emphasis on the Gospels, nurturing personal spirituality, and building supportive relationships. Read More

Nonbinary Delegate to Germany’s Synodal Way Shares Hopes, Concerns About Process

It‘s a special kind of joy to be connected to other queer people in church in this way. For me, the visibility of other trans and nonbinary people especially gives me hope and renews my conviction that I‘m fighting for the right reasons. Read More

Who’s Prodigal Now? Queer People Need to Know

A third definition of “prodigal” in the dictionary surprised me: “yielding abundantly: LUXURIANT.” With this definition, my understanding of the parable of the Prodigal Son shifted. Read More

As “Killing Eve” Concludes, A Queer Catholic Reflects on the Show’s Affirming Impact

During my days in the closet as a practicing Catholic, I relied on LGBTQ+ movies, television shows, and books to understand why I felt the way I did. Out of all the LGBTQ+ stories I have consumed, only one has influenced me in ways I didn’t expect. Read More

Faith in Queer Futures

Let’s dream, as Moses did, of that reality we may never see, but that will exist for our children, and our children’s children... Read More

What is a Queer Catholic Sexual Ethic: Eve Tushnet, Tenderness, and Queer Sex

I have to begin by admitting my bias. I am not a big fan of Tushnet. But I see some complications in Tushnet’s position that fill me with tenderness, even as I know we will continue to radically disagree on what constitutes a Catholic sexual ethic. Read More

Is the Latin Mass a Safe Haven for Queer Catholics?

If the liturgy is indeed, in the Vatican II's words, the source and summit of our faith, then getting it right is paramount. Read More