
Hopeful Seedlings and Home Eucharists: Some Spiritual Gifts from Bondings 2.0 Readers

Earlier this month, Bondings 2.0 asked what LGBTQ-related spiritual practices and resources readers have found helpful during the coronavirus pandemic. Today's post highlights some readers' submissions for new forms of living faith and of being church. Read More

Why Some Followers of Jesus Did Not Lockdown After Easter

And why were women the first to witness the resurrected Christ?  Read More

Fr. James Alison Launches New Website for LGBTQ-Inclusive Eucharistic Liturgies

Last week, Bondings 2.0 announced we would be collecting LGBTQ-related spiritual practices and resources that have been particularly meaningful or helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic when normal spiritual routines have been disrupted. One resource to share already is the website "Praying Eucharistically" newly released by Fr. James Alison, a gay theologian and prominent LGBTQ advocate. Read More

Sharing Your LGBTQ Spiritual Practices as a Gift to the People of God

In this time of social distancing, we are discovering (or rediscovering) alternative modes of living faith and of being church through which God's abiding presence and unyielding love is being made known to us. Needed in this (re)discovery are the unique gifts, perspectives, and traditions that LGBTQ people and allies bring to the church and to spiritual practice. Read More

Learning New Ways to Reach Out and Touch Others

During the coronavirus pandemic, many spiritual resources have been being passed around the internet via... Read More

Two Church Leaders Blame LGBTQ People for Coronavirus Pandemic

Two ranking church leaders have blamed transgender people for the coronavirus pandemic currently spreading globally and imperiling billions of people's lives. Read More

At Home Due to COVID-19? Keep Busy by Advancing Catholic LGBTQ Equality

Bondings 2.0 offers its readers suggestions for what to do to advance LGBTQ equality in the Catholic Church while staying home because of COVID-19 Read More

COVID-19, Closed Churches, and LGBTQ Catholics

Is there anything that LGBTQ Catholics and allies lose because of the closing of churches and religious programs? Read More