
Blessing Same-Gender Couples Is Matter of Conscience for Priests, Says German Bishop

Ahead of planned blessings for same-gender couples on May 10th, a German bishop has said priests and pastoral ministers must follow their consciences on whether to participate. Another bishop in Germany, however, has expressed his concerns about the upcoming blessings action. Read More

More Than 200 German Theologians Issue Statement Opposed to Vatican’s Blessings Ban

More than 200 German theologians published a statement in opposition to the Vatican's responsum released last week that banned blessings for same-gender couples, adding to intensifying criticism from many sectors of the German-speaking church. Read More

German Bishop Hopes for Development in Church Teaching on Sexuality, But Is Synodal Way the Source?

Yesterday, Bondings 2.0 reported on a working document in the German church's Synodal Way process that was about sexuality and relationships, and which has potentially to significant advance LGBTQ inclusion in the church. Today's post features two reactions to that document, as well as one other story from Germany. Read More