Entries by Robert Shine, Managing Editor

In #PopeSpeakOut, Catholics Ask Pope Francis to Save LGBT Lives

in just over one week, Pope Francis will begin an Apostolic Visit to Uganda, Kenya, and Central African Republic where homosexuality is culturally disapproved and, in the first two, is illegal. New Ways Ministry is relaunching our #PopeSpeakOut campaign to encourage the pope to oppose publicly during his trip the criminalization of, discrimination towards, and violence against LGBT communities.

U.S. Diplomat Criticizes Vatican Assertion that Western Aid Tied to Marriage Equality

Visiting the Vatican earlier this week, a United States’ diplomat tasked with LGBT human rights criticized the Vatican’s assertion that Western governments tie foreign aid to marriage equality. These remarks come just weeks before Pope Francis journeys to Africa, including Uganda where anti-gay legislation resurfaced.

Transgender Student: Catholic Church Nearly Killed Me. Georgetown Saved Me.'

Catholic higher education in the U.S. is fairly supportive of LGBTQ students. Many colleges offer supports as is evident in New Ways Ministry’s gay-friendly listing, though admittedly these supports are of varying quality and intensity. Schools often face conservative critics who claim such supports contradict church teaching and endanger ecclesial affiliation.