Entries by Robert Shine, Managing Editor

Joining Pope Francis, We Pray (and Act) for Church Worker Justice

More work remains, however, as LGBT church workers and others who are simply supportive of equality remain vulnerable. More than 70 have lost their jobs in LGBT-related employment disputes over the last decade. Due to religious exemptions, there have been few legal victories thus far. Catholic institutions largely lack relevant non-discrimination policies. Now is the time to take action. . .

Catholic Lesbian Preaches for “Catholic Women Preach” Series

Catholic Women Speak, an initiative which promotes preaching by women through an online video series, invited a married lesbian Catholic woman to offer a reflection on this Sunday’s readings. Here is what she had to say about struggling with church teaching and Germany’s new marriage equality law….

Are All Voices Welcome in the LGBT Conversation?

Right-wing Catholic groups have targeted LGBT people and affirming organizations in the church for many years, launching critical and even dehumanizing campaigns against them. There is new attention being given to such groups and the harmful impact they have on the church. But in a conversation where all should be welcomed, how can Catholics respond to this damaging hate?

Could the Church Deny Baptism to Transgender People?

As transgender visibility increases, so have the theological and pastoral conversations about gender identity. These questions include more theoretical concerns, such as how the church understands the human person, but also the practical concerns of daily life in the church. With so many different positions being taken, what is the church to do?