Entries by Robert Shine, Managing Editor

Gay Church Worker Is Victim of Repeated Hate Crimes Due to Right-Wing Catholic Campaign

A gay church worker has been the target of yet another hate crime spurred on by rightwing Catholic groups, which left him questioning whether to remain in ministry and should be a moment for church leaders to reject anti-LGBT hate unequivocally.

Would St. Oscar Romero Use the Term “LGBT” and Recognize a Queer Couple’s Love?

His cause stalled for nearly four decades, the institutional church finally recognized yesterday what the people of God have known all along: Monseñor Oscar Romero is a saint! With the Synod on Youth underway in Rome, I suggest here that this newly-canonized, but longtime saint can lead us forward towards LGBT liberation.

Linking Gay Priests to Sexual Abuse is “Discrimination,” Church Needs to Address Sexual Hypocrisy, Says German Official

A top church official in Germany has rejected claims that gay priests are a cause of clergy sexual abuse, saying such ides are discriminatory. He also said the church can no longer be hypocritical by preaching its sexual morality while knowing few practice it.