
German Archbishop Set to Appoint Pastoral Minister for Berlin’s LGBTQ Community

An archbishop in Germany has promised to designate a pastoral minister to serve the LGBTQ community in his archdiocese.  Read More

German Bishop Calls for Church to Apologize for Harming Lesbian/Gay People

A senior bishop in Germany has suggested the church apologize for harming lesbian and gay people. Read More

Will German Catholics’ Blessing of Same-Gender Couples Lead to a Church Schism?

Will Germany's Synodal Way, especially its rethinking of church teachings about sexuality and the question of blessing same-gender couples, lead to a schism? Some conservative observers have sounded alarms. As a day of blessing such relationships kicks off in that country and Switzerland, Bondings 2.0 provides the latest updates and takes a look at that question. Read More

Blessing Same-Gender Couples Is Matter of Conscience for Priests, Says German Bishop

Ahead of planned blessings for same-gender couples on May 10th, a German bishop has said priests and pastoral ministers must follow their consciences on whether to participate. Another bishop in Germany, however, has expressed his concerns about the upcoming blessings action. Read More

Majority of Synodal Way’s Sexuality Forum Wants Same-Gender Blessings, Says Co-Chair

A co-chair of the German Synodal Way's working group on sexuality said that a majority of the forum's members had expressed support for blessing same-gender couples, even after the Vatican attempted to ban such blessings. Read More

Nearly 1,000 Pastoral Ministers in Germany Commit to Blessing Same-Gender Couples

In response to the Vatican's responsum on blessing same-gender unions this week, nearly 1,000 pastoral ministers in Germany, as well as other Catholics, have signed a letter in support of such blessings. Elsewhere in the country, bishops and priests are raising objections to the ban at an increasing pace. Read More

Top German Bishop “Not Happy” with Vatican Ban on Blessing Same-Gender Couples

A top German bishop has expressed his disappointed with the Vatican's recent statement banning the blessing of same-gender unions, suggesting the question is not settled. Read More

Yet Another German Bishop Endorses Church Blessings for Same-Gender Couples

In Germany, another bishop has endorsed church blessings for same-gender couples, while a group of young theologians calls for an end to discrimination in the church. Read More

German Bishop Hopes for Development in Church Teaching on Sexuality, But Is Synodal Way the Source?

Yesterday, Bondings 2.0 reported on a working document in the German church's Synodal Way process that was about sexuality and relationships, and which has potentially to significant advance LGBTQ inclusion in the church. Today's post features two reactions to that document, as well as one other story from Germany. Read More

Working Document from Germany’s Synodal Way Speaks Positively of Same-Gender Relationships

Participants in Germany's Synodal Way included a working document on sexuality and relationships during regional meetings this month that, if approved later, could move the church forward significantly on LGBTQ inclusion and questions of sexuality more generally. Read More