
Catholics Show Gratitude, Solidarity for Gay Priests. Add Your Support Today!

We are asking readers Bondings 2.0 readers and the entire faithful to sign a statement of solidarity and gratitude in support of gay priests. Read on for more information. Read More

Reactions Mixed to Pope Francis’ Recent Gay Priest Comments

Reactions to Pope Francis' recent comments about gay priests were mixed, though generally negative given his aside that homosexuality has seemingly become "fashionable." Read More

Reviewers Highlight Lessons for Catholics in New Conversion Therapy Film, “Boy Erased”

"Boy Erased" about a teen's experience with ex-gay conversion therapy is "one of the most important films you will see this year," wrote one reviewer who was not the only person reflecting on the film's connections to Catholic theology. Read More

On Gay Priests, Does Pope Francis Still Believe “Who Am I to Judge?”?

Pope Francis has said that gay men in the priesthood is "something that worries me" and that homosexuality has become "fashionable" in some contexts, comments further complicating his already mixed record on LGBT issues. Read More

Share Your LGBT Story as a Christmas Gift to the Catholic Church

Surely an attempt to explore why Catholics join, leave, and remain in the church has to include voices of LGBT people, their loved ones, and vocal allies? Read More

Catholics Reject Accusations That “Homosexual Clique” Is Running the Church

Church officials in England have strongly rejected critics' charges that there is a "homosexual clique" controlling the church, which have prompted further repudiations of the idea that gay priests cause sexual abuse. Read More

Are All Sides Equally to Blame for Synod’s LGBT Remarks?

Yesterday, Bondings 2.0 featured reactions to the Synod on Youth from several LGBT-positive observers. Today's post engages a more moderate voice when it comes to the Synod and LGBT issues, one whose analysis ultimately fails due to false equivocation. Read More

Pro-LGBT Catholics Are Disappointed and Hopeful After Synod on Youth

Many reactions and commentaries on the Synod of Youth have appeared since the gathering's conclusion just over a week ago, many of which touch on LGBT issues. Today's post highlights some notable pieces from LGBT-positive voices with links provided for further reading; tomorrow's post will examine how LGBT-negative Catholics are reacting. Read More

Linking Gay Priests to Sexual Abuse is “Discrimination,” Church Needs to Address Sexual Hypocrisy, Says German Official

A top church official in Germany has rejected claims that gay priests are a cause of clergy sexual abuse, saying such ides are discriminatory. He also said the church can no longer be hypocritical by preaching its sexual morality while knowing few practice it. Read More

Reports from Synod Working Groups Reveal an Awareness of Sexuality, But Lack LGBT-Specific Discussions

Detailed reports from the language-based working groups at the Synod on Youth were released yesterday. Most of the 14 groups at least touched on questions of sexuality, but none really engaged LGBT issues specifically. Read More