
U.S. Cardinal Calls for Removal of “Intrinsically Disordered” from Catechism

A U.S. cardinal has called for the language of "intrinsically disordered" to be removed from the catechism, following the publication of an article in which he sought a better, wider welcome for LGBTQ+ people in the church. Read More

Paris Archbishop: Teachings on Homosexuality “Reflected an Era,” Need Review

Paris' new archbishop recently gave an interview in which he acknowledged the church needed to reconsider its teachings on homosexuality, and pointed the way forward on how it may happen. Read More

Morality Beyond “Intrinsically Disordered”: Our Call to Announce Justice

"What then is my role in living a moral life as an LGBTQ Catholic? How am I called to announce God’s justice?" Read More

“Intrinsically Disordered”: How We Got There, Why It Matters, and What We Should Do About It

The Roman Catholic Church uses the terminology "intrinsic, objective disorder" to describe lesbian and gay sexuality, but more and more Catholics are speaking out about the harm that such language causes. How did we get strapped with such terminology and what can we do about it? Read More

Jesuit: Drop “Disorder” Language from Catholic Gay and Lesbian Discussions

In my over 20 years of Catholic LGBT ministry,  there is nothing that has sparked... Read More