
Are All Sides Equally to Blame for Synod’s LGBT Remarks?

Yesterday, Bondings 2.0 featured reactions to the Synod on Youth from several LGBT-positive observers. Today's post engages a more moderate voice when it comes to the Synod and LGBT issues, one whose analysis ultimately fails due to false equivocation. Read More

Pro-LGBT Catholics Are Disappointed and Hopeful After Synod on Youth

Many reactions and commentaries on the Synod of Youth have appeared since the gathering's conclusion just over a week ago, many of which touch on LGBT issues. Today's post highlights some notable pieces from LGBT-positive voices with links provided for further reading; tomorrow's post will examine how LGBT-negative Catholics are reacting. Read More

Gay Catholic to Faithful: “Walk in My Shoes” to Know Me as a Person, Not an Abstraction

A gay Catholic writer has shared his story in an appeal for Catholics to "walk in my shoes" so they can understand him and other LGBT people as human beings rather than as abstractions. Read More

Protestors Outraged About Catholic Charities’ Decision to Discriminate Against LGBT Parents

Protests have continued against a local Catholic Charities affiliate's decision to end adoption and foster care services so it would not have to provide services to LGBT clients. Read More

While Archbishop Blames Gay Priests for Abuse, Cardinal and Other Catholics Reject Such Theories

A leading U.S. bishop has firmly rejected any suggestion that gay priests have been a cause of clergy sexual abuse, joining a growing number of other Catholics who have refused to let such homophobic narratives go unchecked. Read More

Gay Church Worker Is Victim of Repeated Hate Crimes Due to Right-Wing Catholic Campaign

A gay church worker has been the target of yet another hate crime spurred on by rightwing Catholic groups, which left him questioning whether to remain in ministry and should be a moment for church leaders to reject anti-LGBT hate unequivocally. Read More

Fr. James Martin to Youth Synod: Use “LGBT” Language, Affirm Lesbian/Gay Couples as Family

Reports from the Synod on Youth indicate that LGBT issues are being raised in at least two ways: whether to use the term "LGBT" in a church document and whether to refer to same-gender couples and their children as "families." Read More

Papal Advisor Calls for Church to Welcome LGBT Christians First as Baptized Christians

LGBT Christians must be welcomed fully into the church, said an Italian bishop, because what matters first is their identity as Christians who are wholly part of the baptized faithful. Read More

Linking Gay Priests to Sexual Abuse is “Discrimination,” Church Needs to Address Sexual Hypocrisy, Says German Official

A top church official in Germany has rejected claims that gay priests are a cause of clergy sexual abuse, saying such ides are discriminatory. He also said the church can no longer be hypocritical by preaching its sexual morality while knowing few practice it. Read More

Reports from Synod Working Groups Reveal an Awareness of Sexuality, But Lack LGBT-Specific Discussions

Detailed reports from the language-based working groups at the Synod on Youth were released yesterday. Most of the 14 groups at least touched on questions of sexuality, but none really engaged LGBT issues specifically. Read More