
Catholics Reject Accusations That “Homosexual Clique” Is Running the Church

Church officials in England have strongly rejected critics' charges that there is a "homosexual clique" controlling the church, which have prompted further repudiations of the idea that gay priests cause sexual abuse. Read More

Catholic Politican Introduces Marriage Equality Bill Saying He is “Living the Message of the Gospel”

A Catholic legislator introduced a marriage equality bill for Northern Ireland, and said doing so was "iving the message of the gospel." Read More

Cardinal’s Anti-Transgender Comments Reveal a Need for Pastoral Listening

England's top prelate has again opined on gender identity, revealing both his pastoral inclinations and his opposition to full transgender equality. Read More

Bishops in Spain and U.K. Oppose Protections for Transgender Youth, Other LGBT People

Bishops in Spain and the United Kingdom have criticized policies aimed at protecting transgender youth... Read More

Cardinal Reverses Predecessor’s Decision, Resumes Ties with Quest in UK

A cardinal in England has reversed a predecessor's decision and recommended that his priests make use of the LGBT Catholic group Quest as a resource in their ministry. Read More

Catholic School Defends Posting of Sign Condemning Homosexuality

A Catholic school has said a sign with anti-gay message has been "taken out of context," defending its decision to post the sign following students and parents' criticism. Read More

Catholic Schools in England Drop Terms “Mother” and “Father” on Admissions Forms

Catholic schools in England will no longer use the gendered terms "mother" and "father" on admissions forms after a government official ruled these could be potentially discriminatory. Read More

Catholic School Encourages Students to Use “Preferred Pronouns” of Classmates

Students should use the "preferred pronouns" of other students who are not female, according to an all-girls Catholic school in England, in yet another step forward for Catholic education and LGBT issues. Marian Doyle, the school's headteacher, said in a letter to parents. . . Read More

British Catholics Host Gathering on LGBT Issues in the Church

British Catholics joined together last month for a national conference on LGBT issues, a gathering... Read More

NEWS NOTES: Parish Supports Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” Charity; Other News

Here are some items that may be of interest: 1) The Gay Fellowship of Blessed... Read More