
What’s So Queer About the Ascension?

If the Ascension isn’t “absurdity” and “exaggeration” I don’t know what it is! Jesus is talking to his disciples, then suddenly raised up physically above them, then hidden behind a cloud, and then two strangers show up out of nowhere and start lecturing his friends? I’ve seen drag shows with less drama. Read More

Come and Drink the Water of Life

As another summer rolls around, a cool drink sounds good, but what else are we thirsty for, particularly as queer people? Read More

Jesus to LGBTQ Catholics: “Go And Preach the Gospel”

We as LGBTQ Catholics must embrace the call in today’s readings and proclaim the joy and love we have found in God. We must not let others take away the joy we have found both in the Church and outside of it. This is our journey, and our journey is worthy of praise. Read More

Ascension Thursday: Ready, Set, Go!

The space between Ascension abandonment and Pentecost confidence is uncomfortable. Read More