Irish Catholics Launch Global Petition Seeking to Remove “Intrinsically Disordered” Language

An Irish reform group has launched a global petition asking top Church leaders in that country to help change the way Catholic teaching refers to LGBTQI people. Read More

Should Catholics Be Hopeful About Pope Francis’ Latest Remark on LGBT Issues?

Mixed reactions to Pope Francis' most recent LGBT-related comments have continued to be published, including the perspectives of feminist Catholics and some columnists. Read More

Vatican Invites Fr. James Martin to Present on LGBT Issues at World Meeting of Families 2018

The upcoming World Meeting of Families (WMF) has invited Fr. James Martin, SJ, to present on welcoming LGBT people in parishes. Read More

Pop Singer Sam Smith Helps Catholic LGBTQ Youth Reconcile Sexuality and Spirituality

Sam Smith is an openly gay musician, who also was raised Catholic. Earlier this year,... Read More

Still Coming Out … as Catholic

“So, you’re still Catholic.”  I replied without replying, not answering his question at all. “Are you?” Read More

Rhode Island Bishop Condemns Pride Celebrations as “Morally Offensive”

As June begins, a bishop in Rhode Island has warned Catholics against participating in Pride celebrations because it "promotes a lifestyle and agenda that, in the extreme, is morally offensive." Read More

After Meeting With Pope Francis, Gay Man Says “I Saw a Compassionate Man”

The gay man to whom Pope Francis said "God made you like this and [God] loves you" has shared more about his conversation with the pope and his own faith life in a recent interview. Read More

Deacon Dad of Trans Daughter Shares Struggles and Hopes

Deacon Ray Dever is a devout Catholic, a permanent deacon, a husband, and above all, a dad to three daughters. In a recent US Catholic article, he writes on his experience as both a Catholic deacon and a proud dad to a transgender daughter. Read More

Pope Francis: World’s Pastor, Enforcer of Doctrine—or Spiritual Director?

Pope Francis’s declarations on LGBTQ issues have been producing spiritual whiplash. On one hand we have “Who am I to judge?” and “God made you like this. God loves you like this.” On the other, we have a reaffirmation that seminaries should not admit gay men, and no indication that Francis plans to alter basic church teaching on sexuality. How should we understand this complex--or contradictory?--figure? Read More

Navigating the Complexities of Being Catholic and LGBTQ

Some LGBTQ Catholics  consider church teaching on sexuality and gender issues oppressive. Yet, many  also feel the Church has always been their home and struggle to stay.  The Church gives these Catholics something can’t find other places.  They have found ways to be authentic both in their faith identity and in their LGBTQ identity. Several Catholics have recently described how they navigate the complexities of these two identities, as well as with other identities, cultures, and life experiences that are part of their lives.  Read More