Philly Archbishop Evicts LGBT Events Scheduled for World Meeting of Families; New Ways Ministry and Equally Blessed Respond

New Ways Ministry’s workshop,  “Transforming Love:  Gender Identity from Catholic Perspectives” workshop, which was scheduled... Read More

Detroit Archbishop: Breaking Up Gay Relationships Is Like Moses Leading Hebrews Out of Egypt

Catholics protested a Michigan conference highlighting gay-negative views, including Archbishop Allen Vigneron's suggestion that breaking up same-gender relationships is comparable to Moses leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Read More

Transgender Godparent-To-Be Calls Diocesan Rejection a "Kick in the Stomach"

A transgender Catholic is not allowed to be a godparent, says a Spanish bishop, who further denied any discrimination in the case. Read More

Bishops Down Under Offer Over-the-Top Rhetoric as Marriage Equality Approaches

Australia's political leaders are slowly moving towards marriage equality, prompted by successful developments in Ireland and then the United States, movement prompting aggressive action from the nation's Catholic bishops. Read More

Ireland's Top Bishop Meets with Gay Advocates, Withdraws Marriage Boycott Threat

Ireland's leading archbishop met with faith-based LGBT advocates last week, focusing in on his participation at the Synod of Bishops this fall but with Ireland's marriage referendum clearly in mind. Read More

Another Gay Person Is Denied Communion at a Parent's Funeral

While religious conservatives are predicting that they will become victims of imagined dire violations against... Read More

Now's the Time to Reflect on "What Makes a Family?"

With marriage equality now legal across the United States, but yet with so many debates... Read More

Two Catholic Schools Approach Employees' Same-Gender Marriages Very Differently

While Philadelphia becomes a new focal point in the continuing story of lesbian and gay... Read More

Should Catholics Opposed to Marriage Equality Use Civil Disobedience?

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling, some government officials and religious leaders... Read More

Final Installment of Catholic Responses to Supreme Court Marriage Equality Ruling

Here’s what (we hope) is the final installment of immediate Catholic reactions to the Supreme... Read More