Denver Catholics Condemn Damage Done by Archdiocese’s LGBTQ-Negative Policies

Catholics are speaking out about the damage that LGBTQ-negative policies and practices by the Archdiocese of Denver are doing. The criticism comes after an archdiocesan gender policy became public this week, which bans transgender students from Catholic schools and place other limitations on LGBTQ+ people. Read More

Denver Archdiocese’s Gender Policy Bans Transgender Students from Catholic Schools

An archdiocesan gender policy that has been made public bans transgender students from attending Catholic schools, and also implies LGBTQ+ parents, employees, and even allies should be excluded or fired. Read More

Germany’s Franciscan Friars Elect Openly Gay Brother as New Provincial Leader

Germany's male Franciscans have elected an openly gay brother as their new leader, who becomes one of the most high-profile out LGBTQ+ church leader to date. Read More

Catholic School in England Appoints Transgender Teacher to Lead Inclusion Efforts

A Catholic school in England is taking steps to be LGBTQ+ inclusive by allowing an openly transgender teacher to work at the school. Read More

District Court Rules Against Fired Church Worker Shelly Fitzgerald in Discrimination Case

A federal court has ruled for Archdiocese of Indianapolis and one of its Catholic high schools in a lawsuit filed by Shelly Fitzgerald, a former guidance counselor whose contract was not renewed because of her same-gender marriage. Read More

Italian Priest Suspended from Ministry Over His Support for LGBTQ+ Relationships

A Catholic priest in Italy was recently suspended from pastoral ministry due to his support for LGBTQ+ couples. Read More

Appeals Court Rules Catholic Healthcare System May Deny Care to Transgender Patients

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is permanently barred from requiring a Catholic hospital network in Indiana and Illinois to perform or provide insurance coverage for services related to gender transition or abortion. Read More

New Zealand Bishops’ New Gender Policy for Catholic Schools Relies on Social Justice

New Zealand's bishops have released pastoral guidelines on sexual and gender diversity in Catholic schools which are far more inclusive and respectful than many other gender policies announced in recent years. Read More

Indonesian Catholics Oppose Government Order to Suppress LGBTQ+ Education

Catholics in predominantly-Muslim Indonesia have become vocal opponents of a new provincial order aimed at suppressing LGBTQ+ people in education, as the Catholics argue the order could institutionalize discrimination. Read More

Ignoring Vatican Ban, Bishops in Belgium Release Liturgy to Bless LGBTQ Couples

The Flemish bishops have released a new liturgy to bless same-gender couples, citing Amoris Laetitia in doing so and defying directly the Vatican's 2021 ban on such liturgies. Read More