Iowa Catholic School Will Not Recognize Student for LGBT Scholarship

A Catholic high school in Iowa which previously fired a gay teacher is now refusing honors... Read More

LGBT Church Worker Struggles Continue in Court, in Schools, and the Chancery

Disputes involving church workers and their Catholic employers have been on the rise the last several years as LGBT rights, particularly around marriage, spread. Below, Bondings 2.0 provides updates for recent incidents about which we have reported previously. Read More

Some Silver Linings in Employment Cases, Though Dark Clouds Remain

A few weeks back, Bondings 2.0 reported and commented on employment disputes over LGBT issues at... Read More

Church Worker Dispute Unites Community, Prompts Students to Come Out

Though church officials' attacks on LGBT church workers continue, faith communities are increasingly resisting such discrimination being perpetuated in their name. Here are the details of one such community, Dowling Catholic High School in Des Moines.  Read More

Two Gay Teachers Fired from Midwest Catholic Schools

News that gay educators in Iowa and Nebraska were fired from the Catholic schools where they had been teaching broke yesterday, prompting swift outcry from local communities. Read More